November is Diabetes Awareness Month

Walking is great for people with diabetes
Make walking a regular part of your daily routine.

November is Diabetes Awareness Month; do you know someone with diabetes?

Without your encouragement and that of other family members, friends and our medical support team diabetes can be an incredible challenge.

Advocating and responsibility lies with all of us, diabetics and those who love and support us.

Help us to be diligent … make the commitment to inspire and encourage a person with diabetes each day.


DIABETES...who me?

I never thought that just because my mother, my grandmother, and two aunts were diabetic I would one day be diabetic.   I never thought that one day I would be checking my blood sugar 2 to 3 times a day.  I never thought I would never be able to eat a loaded baked potato again or walk outside barefooted.  I never thought I would have to make sure my blood sugar was on point before I laid down to sleep at night.  I never thought I wouldn’t be able to lay outside and enjoy the sun.  I never thought I would have to always have a special snack on hand and a bag packed with diabetes supplies.  I never thought that I would need a medic Id bracelet to speak for me when I wasn’t able to speak for myself.  I never thought that it would take longer for me to heal from something as simple as a paper cut.  I never thought that it would be very important for me to get annual flu shot and lets not forget about the pneumococcal vaccine.  I never thought that stroke, blindness, kidney disease, heart disease or loss of limbs would be a real possibility for me, I never thought that diabetes would impact every aspect of my life:  spiritual, emotional, physical, social, vocational, financial and intellectual.

 But now that I’m here…I have made the commitment to constantly care for my body every day.  I am committed to learning about how diabetes affects my body each day because I know that this is a disease that has no cure.  I also know that I can control it by being diligent. I must always be ready to respond to changes.  I will be diligent by taking my medication on time, living a healthy life style.  Making sure I take time to exercise and eat properly.  Keeping a positive mindset is also key because having diabetes is a constant challenge to make the right choices for my health and well-being.  Along with support from our family, friends and medical team the diabetic must always have self-discipline and good habits.  Remember – consistency and balance.


Change and challenge is a good thing when

    • 1. You are supportive and non-judgmental to a person with diabetes
    • 2. You attend or invite a person with diabetes to take a walk with you
    • 3. You try cooking a new healthy recipe together
    • 4. You purchase them a medic Id bracelet, necklace or charm
    • 5. You attend and appointment with them
    • 6. Just Listen

All information shared on The Diligent Diabetic website is intended for your general knowledge ONLY. This information is not to substitute for medical advice or treatment. The Diligent Diabetic encourages all visitors to the site to seek prompt medical care in case of an emergency and for any specific health issue. Thank you for visiting The Diligent Diabetic. I hope you find this website helpful and that you’ll return as The Diligent Diabetic continues to gather information to inspire and encourage all to live a healthier lifestyle.