It’s Fall, Time for my Annual Flu Shot

Good Habits, Good Health

Good Habits, Good Health – It’s fall, time to get my annual flu shot. Even though I manage my diabetes well, I know I am still at risk for complications from the flu. Because of diabetes when I get sick or even if I have a cut or scrape it is harder for me to get well or heal. Most importantly the flu will add stress to my body; affect my blood sugar levels and that’s just for starters. Staying Diligent means just that…staying diligent. i have to constantly be in touch with my body and know when its time to act. I know no person with diabetes look forward to pricking their finger everyday or sticking their body with a needle. So I know that most don’t like getting the flu shot. Sorry, but it is highly recommended if we do. Make your appointment, speak with your medical doctor and do what you know you need to do to take care of your health.

Good Habits Good Rewards

We have all been told that good habits bring good rewards.  As a person with diabetes, I can say good habits are a key to my good health and wellness.  Realistically, change takes time but when we get into set routines/habits they are easy for us to keep.  Following my doctor’s advice and remembering each year when the season turns to fall,  it’s time for my annual flu shot.

Make sure you talk with your medical team and follow your doctor’s recommendations regarding your health.  Remember your daily tips: wash your hands often; cover your nose and mouth when sneezing; touching your eyes, nose and mouth aids in spreading germs; stay away from sick people; use disinfectant spray.

Remember the Sick Day Rules


  • Take Medicine as Prescribed
  • Test Blood Sugar Every 4 Hours
  • Drink Lots of Water and Liquids (I like Gatorade also)
  • Eat (Even though you may not want to you have to)
  • Check your weight everyday
  • Blood Pressure Check daily
  • Monitor your temperature, check it twice a day

commit to good health

An unwavering commitment and obligation to my health and well-being has given me confidence that I will be able to take care of the ones I love and those that love me.  Make your commitment. Be Diligent.